yakamozun güncesi: About today and me ...

1 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba

About today and me ...

first time I have to say to you

My english is not good because eng  isnt my natural language I didnt often use english so I can make grammer mistakes so sorry about this ...

I am Jaejoong fan u know this and so I support JYJ.You know me,I didnt write hate message any member of JYJ.
Everything began last month.Last month yj shippers were be so lunatic and they sent pornographic pictures and tweets to Kim Jaejoong. We dont like this.Because anynormal person dont like this, After that my friends sent message me about lunatic people's name. 

Yes its true I spread those names as a dm not public because I am not yj shippers and I hate them.
 After that girl who is twitter name: "monbrielle" , spread my nickname and said to every her followers about me block her etc.and wrote post  about me and my friends in her blog. And after that YJ shippers bashed me (its normal for yj shippers maybe they are right  for their mind) 
(but I must say something; that girl(monbrielle) didnt follow me ,and I want to ask you something,how can she find me,and how can she know these ? )

First time I didnt know but I found after. Before this, one girl(_mjjeje) followed me,she tried to be friend with me.I thought She(_mjjeje) is OT5.I dont care this she can support OT5 and talked her,
But that day I learned she spread my name to that girl (monbriella). And I learned  from these, she is stalker of jyj fans(they said for us "stan")  and u can see her tweets always she tries to talk with JYJ fans. why ?? because she is spy .... anyway I ignore them

And I just blocked them But they didnt still block me lol .When I see their tweets or their info in my tline ,I warned who RT their tweets in my tline Because I dont wanna see their tweets I hate them I dont have to love everyone sorry I am not angel.

And today my friend RT their info,and I warned her,after I wrote info about this 

"Dear friends be carefull YJ shippers they are not good person especially : _mjjeje and monbrielle and their friends dont RT their tweet,or Dont use their info ... Please be carefull this thank u"

why I said they are not good person ? because I cant accept their lunatic mind sorry so this is mind ....

After I tweeted this one girl (PUn_DB5K) RT my tweet same like this @/yakamoz109. After from that case,I always check my name on twitter because I dont wanna have stalker ,So I saw her. And I said her dont stalk my acc. and she talked about me,she didnt accept "stalker" words(but she dont follow me,so how can she find my tweet ,I think she stalks my acc or she has fake acc and that face acc follow me ,still I dont know but I will find,Believe me ) and she and her friends wanna bash me.

Anyway I dont care their lunatic mind and tweets I didnt reply and I will not reply.And one thing is so funny because anytime monbriella and _mjjeje didnt tweet directly always their DOGs bashed me I think they wanna be GOOD girl. I dont care this

Why I posted these because its so stupid ... if u have more energy u must do something dont try to bash someone.And u must know this: anybody dont have to love everyone !!!

I just wanna say something ,if u dont like someone or something u dont stalk that. Am I right? Really I cant understand their mind. I said before I hate yj shippers I didnt change sorry .. So go away from my acc. Dont stalk or follow my acc. This is my mind, I will not accept your mind and you too. because its lunatic for me.

I wrote this because you must to learn about me .... and why I used their name.Because that girl monbrielle always did this she talked and wrote about us. This is answer for her said...

I hope you can understand ... Go away from me if youre yj shippers because I am not good person for you so dont stalk or follow my acc.

İf youre JYJ fan or JJ fan,be carefull them... Because you will not like their act.

PS: today ( 20/08/2012) 

I shared one pic and after searched my nickname on twitter I always made this because I dont wanna yj shippers use my tweets or pics anyway I saw her name again (_mjjeje) I hate this crazy idiot because I said as before her made. she is yj shippers and she support yj and OT5  she is not JYJ fan or something she wanna everyone know she is jyj fan but its not true .She is FAKER!!

anyway heyy crazy idiot !!! (_mjjeje)

youre super sick person !!! how can still stalk my acc ? or RT my pics ??? are u moron???
maybe you forget something I hate you !!! I hate Yj shippers so U must learn this ok ????
 listen to me dont !!!! RT my tweets or RT my pics!!! are you stupid ?? or idiot ??? I hate you !!! I know,Youre crazy lunatic person GO AWAY FROM ME !!!! I can find if u make again, its easy so Dont stalk or RT my pics- tweets OK ?? do u understand ?? 

I hope you will not do this I blocked you before I said this.I cant understand your mental brain. sorry !!!

Go away from me

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